
When to drop a nap

Creating a solid sleep schedule for a child of any age is difficult, however, a toddler’s nap schedule is a special case. Although each child is different, it is recommended for newborns to have about 5 naps a day, for babies 4-6 months to have 2 to 3 naps a day, and for babies 6 -12 months to have 2 naps a day. However, after the 12-month milestone, the number of naps per day can get a little tricky.

When a child turns 12 months old, it may be time to transition from 2 naps a day to 1 nap a day. Now, I know this is easier said than done, but today, we will go over what signs may indicate that it is time to make the transition to 1 nap a day. We don’t want to rush your child into dropping a nap too quickly, because by now, we should all know that a child’s sleep is essential. It is important to pay careful attention because the correct amount of naps a day for a child can be very beneficial to both the parent and the child; proper nap times will better the physical and mental development of your child, as well as improving their moods throughout the day, which will make our lives as parents easier (I know we all want parenthood to be as easy as possible 😊). Finally, a stellar nap schedule throughout the day will better their nighttime sleep habits.

Now, you may be wondering, how do I know when it is right to transition my child from 2 naps a day to 1 nap a day? Well, I can help with that! As a child comes closer to becoming to having 1 nap a day, there will be a few common signs we should look out for. For one, your child will start to resist the second nap. This can look like your child staying awake for multiple days in a row for the duration of his/her second nap. Additionally, another telltale sign is consistent, shorter than usual naps. Finally, another prominent sign that your child is ready for just 1 nap a day is taking longer than usual to fall asleep after being put down for their 2nd nap. Keep in mind that these signs occurring once-in-a-blue is not a sign that your baby is ready. Instead, you should be looking for consistent signs over a 2-week period.